BOI 30 day notice account problem


Registered User
I've a substantial amount of money in a Bank of Ireland ICS 30 day notice account. I rang the branch thats holding the account a couple of weeks ago telling them I want to close the account because of the poor interest rate I was receiving.

The lady I was speaking to told me I'd have to give the instruction in writing. So I wrote to the bank instructing them that I wanted to close the account. I made it FAO of the lady I was speaking to and addressed it to the branch. The 30 days notice was up on the 10th August. I said in the letter that my wife will collect the draft on that date.

Got a phone call from the branch yesterday, (different lady), saying that all their mail is being redirected to Dublin and they didn't recieve my notifaction til friday (8 days after I posted it) and they cant release my funds til the 17th August. The lady I was speaking to was apologetic but said there's nothing they can do. I've made arangements for my money and I need it on the 10th. This doesnt seem right to me, how come my notifaction was sitting in Dublin for a week before it was redirected to the branch? Are things that bad that they need to hang on to my money for an extra week? Why should I have to wait a week because of thier cock up? I rang the branch this morning, they said they'll get someone to ring me back. Anyone have any advice on this? seems a bit underhand to me.