Blanchardstown - Waterville development


Registered User
Hi guys,

I saw something in the waterville development in Blanchardstown on the net I like and I am wondering how easy it is to get to and how long it would take to walk to the village and what is public transport like? It looks like it's quite isolated.

Thanks for any help.
You're right, it is very isolated. I don't live there but a friend of mine does and he needs use the car for even the most basic of things e.g. going to the shop for a bottle of milk. I think it's crazy that massive developments such as this are allowed to expand without any proper planning and basic facilities/amenities for residents.

There is a bus service (I think) but I don't get the impression it's that great because anytime he comes into town for a night out he's usually getting a taxi in and out.

For what it's worth, I'm in the market myself for an apartment but would not buy here. If there is a downturn in the property market then I expect that places like this would be worst hit i.e. a pretty soul-less development, miles from the city centre and without any proper facilities/amenities given it's size.
I felt I had to reply because I don't agree with the comment made at all. I live there currently (not owner so no requirement to live there) I think the location is one of the best things going for it.
It is a 9min walk to the centre of the village to the bus stop for the 39/70 buses going to town (39 is very frequent). The 38 bus also going to town stops just outside the estate on the Snugborough road, one of the best things is that it's not in the centre of the village but rather in the grounds of the hospital which means it doesn't feel like a concrete jungle like many new estates and the front has been kept and developed as parkland. You can walk through the grounds of the hospital into the village also in 10-12mins which also means you're never further than that away from a shops, pubs the Nitelink etc and yet you don't have any of the "hanging around" culture that local estate shops can encourage. You're only across the bridge from a great value gym and the Blanch centre (I love not being in huge long traffic jams for Chrimbo shopping)
Obviously these are personal opinions but unless you think 10mins is too far to walk I reckon you get the best of both worlds by being close to all amenities yet having park land and trees etc which haven't all been decimated to maximise apt units!
Thanks for your views SHakespeare, I might have a look after all. What is the development like? Are the walls solid or can you hear your neighbours talk talk? Never quite sure with these new developments...
Hi Petal
A couple of other points/personal opinions.....

The development has grown significantly over the last few years and there are different blocks built by different builders. I'm not sure which part of the overall Waterville development you're thinking of looking at but here's what I think for what it's worth.
One postitive aspect of the way it has grown is that they have blocked off certain areas to keep them discrete. ie. where I live at the moment, the entrance from the hospital road only feeds 3 blocks of apts/duplexes etc, there is no vehicle access to the newer blocks (there is pedestrian access), this at least cuts down on traffic and makes the place feel less huge and depressingly sprawling. What that does mean if you're in one of the newer blocks is that you have to drive up the snugborough road to get access which (a) is busier and (b) probably does make it seem further away from anything/village etc (although closer to the business parks if that's what interests you) I personally do no like heading too far up that road as it is more industrial, is very close to the aquatic centre.
Regarding the general quality of the builds, I have been in this duplex pretty much since it was built and I was disappointed when I first moved in because I noticed every flaw (naieve as I was) from the quality of the skirting boards to the small blob of mismatched paint in the bathroom!!
Having spent the last 14mths looking for a house to buy, I have to say I'm starting to appreciate where I am more and more and we are now moving into a house in Castleknock which sartorially is a much bigger disaster (any 2nd hand house more than about 10yrs old seems to suffer from very cheap architraves and skirtings too!!)
Because the floors are cement we've had no issue with noise from the apt above us, the walls between apts are not terrific but for most they appear adequate and not a big problem, again I thought it was very poor at the start until I heard about some of the residents in parts of Tyrrelstown apparently scheduling putting on their washing machines because of the noise!! Now that has never been a problem so grateful for that at least.
We did have a period of hearing lots of noise upstairs from our neighbours but have since discovered that they were in the realm of unreasonable to say the least and were renowned in the estate. Thus if you conduct your day to day life via screaming and shouting and hollering at 5children from downstairs to upstairs etc, your neighbours will hear you and may complain, thankfully, they're now gone and we haven't heard a peep from the new tenants, in fact we did wonder for a couple of months whether it was deserted, it was so peaceful, no it wasn't it just has normal volumed (new word) people living there.
Thus, loud music would be heard, shouting etc but normal day to day activity we do not find obtrusive.
Hope this helps, I think the mgmt companies are important, each block has their own and I know our block has brought in clamping to stop cars parking and blocking up areas in front of houses etc which is a great idea and makes the place look a lot neater. I don't know if it's elsewhere.
Good luck with your decision. Blanch can get a knocking in the press quite a lot but touch wood, we've had no problems and the newsworthy issues tend to be in the older corporation estates around Mulhuddart etc which is not differentiated in the media.
Good luck with your decision, if you've any other questions feel free to ask, we're moving out in 5 weeks so my opinion is pretty objective at this stage!
Thanks Shakespeare,

It is Waterville terrace I'm interested in, I think I just go out there and have a look and see what kind of feel I'm getting from the place and then I might pester you some more with questions!

Thanks for all the help.
Hi Petal,

I'm wondering if you are interested in buying or letting? The reason I ask is my wife and I are starting a family and are looking to move from Waterville terrace into a house. We are currently in one of the newest apartments, circa 2 years now, and have a first floor, two bed, own entrance, own sun balcony, 2 bathroom , 1 ensuite, apartment coming up for sale very soon.

We are going to attempt to sell privately as we want to avoid the fees etc. being asked by agencys. I am currently placing an ad. in the buy and sell which will be active in a few days (I believe!).

We will be hosting a viewing day if we get enough interest!

Please post a reply and either way you're more then welcome to take a look at our place to see if it's what you're looking for!!

regards and best wishes,

Hi Paul

I left you a private message on your apartment

Can you get back to me if you can?
