Bidding against myself /estate agents


Registered User
I am bidding on a property at the moment,and I have a strong feeling that I am bidding against myself,this property has been on the market for months without an offer,can I ask the agent for the details of the other bidder,and if I can.. does the agent have to give details??,is there any code of pratice in this regard ?,or am I at the complete mersey of the estate agent. Thanks
Re: Bidding against myself /estate agents!!

...can I ask the agent for the details of the other bidder,and if I can.. does the agent have to give details??,is there any code of pratice in this regard ?,or am I at the complete mersey of the estate agent. Thanks
You "can ask" anything you like.

They certainly don't have to give you details.

If I were the other bidder and they provided you with my details I'd be furious! The code of practice is, and should be, that no information is transferred to other bidders! What house I, or anyone else, has an interest in bidding for is personal information not to be shared with random people.
I am bidding on a property at the moment,and I have a strong feeling that I am bidding against myself
I presume you mean that you may be bidding against a phantom bidder and not yourself?!
can I ask the agent for the details of the other bidder,and if I can.. does the agent have to give details??
You can ask but I don't think that they are obliged to give you such details even if they are allowed.
is there any code of pratice in this regard ?,or am I at the complete mersey of the estate agent. Thanks
I believe that both the IAVI and IPAV have codes of practice that govern bidding.
i had the same feeling a few years back so i just offered the price that i was happy with and said to the agent that the offer lasts till the close of business next day which was a friday, and it was my final bid on the house.i got a call 5 pm friday saying the offer was accepted.never found out if there was another bidder,but was prepared to walk away,i think its a buyers market now so theres alot of houses sitting around.
Am I mistaken in thinking if an estate agent is an IAVI memeber that they have to keep a bid book for any bids received for the sale of a house and that this can be viewed on request?
Pulling out at this stage and waiting for the call from the EA with a 'weak excuse' about the other bidder is a nice little mind game (but you may really want the property).