Betting on UK house price decline:short UK property funds or ETFs?


Registered User
Let me first say that this is NOT a question about house prices!

Having taken the view that UK house prices will shortly experience sharp declines (whether this view is correct or not I do not want to discuss so please don't get into that point on this thread), I am researching what is the best way to bet on this for profit. One way would be to short UK financial stocks, particularly big mortgage lenders. Is it possible, through spread betting, to short UK property funds or ETFs? Are there any other ways of betting on a UK house price decline?

I set up a "play" spread betting account a few months ago and went long on gold and crude oil, and bet on a fall on the dollar. If this had been a real money account I would be sending this email from my new villa in Barbados! So this time I would like to do it for real.
Re: Betting on UK house price decline

Is it possible, through spread betting, to short UK property funds or ETFs? Are there any other ways of betting on a UK house price decline?

You can go long or short on London and UK house price indices with IG Index.
Re: Betting on UK house price decline

Perfect Gonk, i owe you a pint! We'll see how this goes...