Best way to clean wooden blinds?


Registered User
I have wooden blinds through out my house. I like them, they look great but they are so dusty especially with the sun coming through the windows its really noticable.

Im just wondering how should I clean them? Ive tried the hoover and that didnt work..ive looked in the argos book and there a brush thing there does anyone have it?would it work?

Or am i just going to have to go around 10 big windows with water and a sponge?

Those brush things seem to be for dusting when the blinds are open.

If they're horizontal blinds then shut them first so you have a flat surface to clean, easier that way and gets most of it off.
According to Aggie and Kim on "How clean is your house?" they recommend using a knife or something flat wrapped in an old wet rag. It's thin enough to fit between blinds and the reason for it being damp is to allow the dust to cling to the cloth instead of just moving around the room!
You can use one of those Magic Dusters. (At least I think they are called this) They are just like feather dusters but all of the dust sticks to the fibres. They work well and can be bought in any supermarket