Best time to leave job


Registered User
I see from some IPASS notes re public holidays that if an employee leaves his employment within 7 days before a public holiday falls then the employer is supposed to pay the ex-employee. It also states that when an employee starts new employment they are entitled immediately to the public holiday. So if a public holiday falls on a Monday and an employee leave one employment say the previous Wednesday and starts his new job on Friday does he receive payment twice for the Public Holiday. I rang Dept. of Ent. Trade & Empl. and the gentleman said the on checking his book it looked liked the above was true. I am a bit surprised that this could be so.
In order for an employee to be entitled to a public holiday the employee must have worked for the employer at least 40 hours during the period of 5 weeks ending on the day before the public holiday. So from this it seems that your first statement could be true, but it also dismisses your second.
The 40hr rule over 5 weeks only applies to part time workers. A full time employee is immediately entitled to public holiday.