Best secured lending rates


Registered User
Hi All
I can't seem to find a post for this. I am looking at buying a house. I have 50k maturing in the next 3 months. The rate I have on deposit is fairly good, also penalties are fairly step if I withdraw before time. I will only need the 50k for a short period of time. Can anyone let me now a tread or where I can get a loan against this at a good rate. As the money is on 1 yr deposit, it is guaranteed. Also I have the deposit so I am not looking to get the deposit. I just want to try to buy a better house.
Any help or advice would be appreciated.
Have you asked the Bank where your deposits are for their best lending rates ???
Oh, I understand. Maybe you should go to the BoI (they are really the only Bank lending at the moment) and offer them a full charge on your deposits as you wish to borrow against it. Bear in mind it may cost you in legal fees.
I am actually looking at a mortage with them and they are willing to do business for a mortage but are not really looking for this business of off me so to speak, which I don't understand. Is there anyone with rates out there?