Best online/mobile application


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I'd like to crunch the numbers going through my accounts easily. I believe you can use the MINT application with accounts in the US. Is there any current account here that approaches that ease of use?
I download transactions as CSV/QIF files and upload to YNAB, which is a very handy budgeting and analysis app. Halifax in UK offers downloads and I think BofI also allows excel downloads of transactions.

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i find the best application i have used.

We started about a year ago and tried the free version. We were able to interface boi (current, savings, credit card and child savings) and aib (joint and mortgage) very easily.

The system automatically categorises every transaction and we review and change mapping rules or can divide a transaction e.g. EUR 100 groceries is actually 80 groceries and 20 clothing. We can track all our expenses to budget.

This has been brilliant and we have used it to dramatically change how we view money and build a nice little nest egg!

Major disadvantages are cost (EUR 35 a quarter) and since SEPA the mapping is starting to become more challenging.

Has anyone interfaced to irish banks. As this is free would definitely consider changing....
If your account is with

  • Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
  • Allied Irish Bank (Ireland)

than you can use which is free. It however is read only access.

They are also the data providers behind that Rosmiz mentioned.
If you're looking for something quick and easy, "wave accounting" is a simple free option. You can upload all the bits and pieces and then it provides you with all your breakdowns for you to do your "crunching" on.