Best interest rates on USD deposits


Registered User
Notwithstanding exchange rate risk (which I don't underestimate), besides Lightyear's 4.5% on USD accounts, what other banks or investment platforms are available to Irish residents that offer similar (or better) USD deposit interest rates?

Separately, does anyone know if there is a max deposit figure on which Lightyear will pay interest on USD?
Thanks. With USD rates at 5.25% I'm looking for something in the 4.x+% range

Yeah, you can do a lot better than the Bunq rate.

3 options:
1. Lightyear pay 4.50% with 20k EUR equivalent protected.
2. A US Money Market Fund. For example, this US MMF has netted aprox. 5.03% over the last year. 41% Exit tax applies.
3. Trading212 pay 5.10% with 20k EUR equivalent protected.