Best DVD -Video combi?

Ash 22

Registered User
What is the best brand video-dvd combi to buy? Had a lot of problems with the last one we bought from the beginning. Also is there any type dvd s that are better than others for recording onto?
Hi Ash, I would advise you to forget about buying named brands and just go for the one with the best Aldi`s, Lidl`s etc ( 3 year guarantee). I also strongly advise you to get separate units rather than a combi system in case one breaks down and is uneconomical to get repaired at least if they are separate units you halve your loss.
Thanks iggy,
The reason I found the combi good is you can transfer from dvd to tape and other way round easily.
Sorry Ash I misunderstood your question, I thought you meant tv/ dvd combi.
Is it still possible to buy anything with a tape player attached?? Amazing...
I find the dvd s that I tape onto seem to go very jumpy and keep stopping at times so if there is something I want to keep I transfer it to tape just to be sure. Anybody else find that a problem.