Best Credit Card for me

Thanks Clubman,

I'm heading to Italy in July, but while I anticipate using the card to pay for one or two things over there I am planning to bring my own cash.
A Lesson On Forex and VISA

Many people dont know that there is a preferential charge for Foreign Exchange where your VISA Card is in Credit , IE above €0 and not below €0 (like normal)

The cheapest way to get dollars in New York or Buckaroos in Sydney is to put your VISA into a hole in the wall , assuming your VISA is in credit that is. Much cheaper than normal FOREX transactions except maybe American Express offices which are fairly cheap IIRC

The AIB Online interface will also allow Noor to move money from her normal acccount to her credit card wit the balance showing at nmidnight Irish Time that day Thats how I pay my CC off every month , push it over.