Best bet to clear €5k credit card debt



I've €5k backed up on my credit card and want to clear it.
It's an AIB Platinum card (John Rocha one) and I was considering moving to the Halifax offer of 6 months interest free on balance transfers, and clearing it by then. Alternatively, I was thinking of moving over to the new AIB Click card which offers 8.5% APR which I think is the lowest going at the moment ( I may well be wrong on that).
A third option is to get a loan to clear it.
Any thoughts?

Welcome to AAM.

If you have a read through preivous threads you may get some advice.
Thanks, search doesn't seem to throw up any hits, though.
Balance transfer to Halifax (if you can avail of 0%) should be your first option IMHO.

If you clicked the link in Sue Ellen's post, you should have been able to see quite a few similar posts?

Sue Ellen said:
through preivous threads
Thanks, yeah, I did click the link but coulnd't see any posts. Search came up blank.
I just clicked on both, neither worked.. Second brought up this message :

Forum Message Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.
You should switch to a 0% rated card and pay off the card as soon as possible. If the credit card debt is due to life style issue then getting a loan is probable not a good idea as you could get into a circle of increasing debt.

Not to go off topic but what is a 'John Rocha' credit card as versus an ordinary credit card?
Not to go off topic but what is a 'John Rocha' credit card as versus an ordinary credit card?

It has a wonderful design on the front .

It's an AIB Platinum card-offers 0.5% back on purchases and that's about it (subject to ts and cs).

[broken link removed]
iv a mbna card celtic one,i hav 3400 on it,but my card expired a few months ago,could i still switch to a halifax card and clear it?