Best before and use by dates


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I'm just wondering how many of you pay really close attention to best before and use by dates, or do you assume that manufacturers err on the side of caution and it's safe to extend the date by a couple of days? I'm fed up throwing out food that looks fine but I'm just nervous of using.
I use a rough rule of thumb:- If it smells ok, then it probably is ok.

Hasn't done me any harm so far (that I know of)
Another +1 with a few exceptions maybe. E.g. pork, chicken, eggs.

All dairy stuff and fruit/veg/grain based stuff though, the look and sniff test does me fine.
For eating, depends on what the item is and smell etc. When buying I always check the dates and see if there are fresher ones at the back of the shelf etc.
If it's dairy produce/meat products, I bin if beyond the bb/use by date. For vegetables I will use if they are not badly deteriorated. For cans/packets of processed food, I'll use it within a reasonable period of time.

In saying that, I cleared out pantry presses on the weekend and some stuff hidden up high at the back was 'somewhat' (ahem!) beyond its best and I chucked it very quickly!!
Do people still have pantries? Sounds like the Famous Five or something
It's an issue that's taken up in today's Irish Times as an aside to the main theme of unnecessary refrigeration:
[broken link removed]
Someone once told me that Best Before is advice but Use By is an order!

Thats the rule I go by..
If we buy anything close to the BB or Use by dates we just chuck it in the freezer and eat it whenever we wish - we've both survived up to now.
Time for big debate on whether to refrigerate.
Good article. I came from a "furry jam" house whilst himself scrutinises and sniffs everything. Our fridge is full of jars of jams, chutney's, ketchup etc and as the article suggests I do "hide signs of natural decline". A general rule of "if in doubt, chuck it out" works for me.
If it looks okay, smell it.
If it smells ok, taste it.
If it tastes ok, use it.