Best account for charitable cause?


Registered User
There is a grotto in the middle of the residential area I'm in. Every year a collection is made towards to its upkeep. Now my father and another resident had a joint An Post savings account and administered the funds. However both are now dead with my father dying last September and being the most recent demise of the two.

I'm currently in a wrangle with State Savings trying to get at the nominal funds that remained in the account. So far I've sent them the death certificates of both the joint account holders. Now they want a copy of my father's will. This is because my mother was made sole executor and I've been trying to get them to pay out the money to her. That seemed the easiest way to get the money.

However I wonder would it be possible to keep the account open and have my name and another local resident added to it? This other resident expressed an interest in keeping the savings account open. I think it might be too late as I rather foolishly sent the An Post savings book back to State Savings! I'm thinking that would involve far more hassle and red tape.

Moreover is even an An Post account the best solution for this type of cause? Would there be an account better suited please?

Thank you in advance for any help!
I would suggest that you are best getting the funds released to the estates and then opening a new account in the name of the charity, i.e. 'local grotto association' rather than a persons name provided both estates consent.

A name change will add complexity and may not be possible.

The owner of the funds is your fathers estate and the other residents estate. It is then up to the estates as to what to do with the cash.