Berties Tax liability ?

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Registered User
Is this not a red herring?

Assume A they were gifts as this is what they are in essence after 7 years

Firstly he received 22,500 in 1993 from 8 different people ( 2,500 from 7 and 5000 from 1) assume small gift exemption at the time was £700 this leaves a liability of 16,900 at 20% for tax however I do not have the leg with me but i assume threshold C stranger threshold would have covered this at the time therefore leaving him no liability.

The amount for 1994 was 16,500 from 4 different individuals again assume small gift of 700 again leaving liability of 13,700 @20 for Cat cancelled by stranger limit threshold C again.

I know Cat Calculation has changed since the early 90's but it was still quite similar.

He has a liability for the £8000 grand after dinner speech gig but this is tiny stuff No?

I am indifferent to the rationale for the gifts and the sentimentality about his situation at the time. But just from a Tax perspective dose he have any questions to answer ?
Have you seen this thread? (including but not limited to your specific question)

[Edit: In fact, seeing as you have 50 posts and are registered for over a month, can I invite you to repost your comments there? If so, I'll close this thread to avoid duplication/dispersion...]
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