Benefit in Kind on Gym Membership


John Smith26

My employer has offered to pay my gym subscription. It works out at 75 per month to me at present and I currently have a direct debit set up.

What is the best to have my employer pay as I was told it would incur BIK.. Should I just get the 75 added to my monthly Gross pay?

Many thanks on this

Come on Europe!!!!
What is the best to have my employer pay as I was told it would incur BIK.. Should I just get the 75 added to my monthly Gross pay?

It really makes no difference as you'll have to pay tax one way or the other.
If work give you the 75 quid in your pay, you'll be taxed as normal and end up with around 40 in your pocket.
If they pay the fees for you, you'll end up with notional 75 added to your salary as BIK and end up paying the same tax on it.
There might be a benefit if you get a discount for corporate membership but as far as tax goes, they get you either way.
Many thanks for this..

Looks like I am got either way..