Being called for medical assessment,why so often


Registered User
I have posted before that my sister in law,is on this benefit,She has ongoing issues.
The background being that she had made a complaint about the doctor on duty,she was disallowed,appealed and won.But it took the best part of a year.
This obviously added hugely to the stress she already has.
At the last two assessments she had no problem keeping the benefit.

My question is that she has been called in for assessment twice this year and has received another request today to attend for assessment.
Is this normal? Is this fair?
It is quite apparent that she is not capable of work and this was endorsed by her doctor and when she won her appeal plus at the last two assessments,so why do they call someone in three times in one year?
That sounds grossly unfair, unreasonable and bordering on harrassement imho going on what you've outlined. I would be thinking of making a complaint if it were me. What route to taking in making a complaint I'm not quite sure.
3 times in one year does seem pretty OTT. If it were me i would apply through the freedom of information to receive a copy of my social welfare files, and see what the examining doctor wrote at each medical assessment. Quite possibly they could be writing that she may be fit for work in 3-6 months and this could be flagging regular assessments.
Once she has her files, and if she can rule out that that is the reason for all the assessments she could then go on and lodge a complaint.
Thanks for the replies ..
I think that she will go down the harrasment route,if it continues..
My aunt was on sick leave from work for over a year. She had a benign tumor removed from her knee but for many months before that she couldn't walk on it (her job is standing up and walking around for 90% of the day) and for months afterwards she was in physiotherapy and still had problems with it.

During the one year that she was out of work she was called for a medical assessment 4 times. After being called for the second time, she contacted people (not really sure who or how the process works) in relation to the fact that she felt this was unfair plus the fact that having to make her way into the city centre for each assessment really impeded her recovery (she had to rearrange various appointments because she was advised of assessment dates at the last minute). Each time she was told that it was "just procedure". She tried every avenue after being called the third time but this was fruitless. I guess she's just lucky that she is now back to work.
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