behind on rent/lease expired

They are one month behind.That doesnt qualify as squatting,that qualifies as oversight.
Has the OP contacted them to see if ther has been a problem or is she quite happy to go shouting "eviction" like a victorian rack-renter?
Could you please tell us what do you think the landlord should do in the case outlined by the OP above? What would you do?
By the sounds of it, he would simply give them the asset as a present, only after he wrapped it in paper and ribbons he borrowed from his local SPAR.
Wexford guy obviously has had bad experiences with landlords and those greedy b @st(*)s looking for his money every.single.month.. His arguments on this and other threads are very similiar to those put forward on a daily basis by Frank Gallagher in Shameless. He should come over here to France and join the communist party...they are gagging for new members.

At the end of the day he is distracting from the very important OP.
I have evicted 3 tenants in the past.
For anti-social behaviour. They were tormenting the tenant next door...not the landlord. I was still getting my rent and they kept the place well.
I followed the guidelines on the prtb website to good effect.
I don't know if the fact it is agricultural land makes any difference.
I imagine its easier to evict them from the land than the house.
There is a support group called Irish property owners association. I keep meaning to join up. Maybe if you join up, you can get accurate advice. Because the key thing is following the protocol. You'd get it alot cheaper from the prtb or this crowd than a solicitor.

I would right a letter straight away though advising them that they are putting their tenancy at risk by failing to pay their rent and that you are keen to discuss with them how to avoid this happening in the future and how to tackle the arrears.

Good luck. I would be in deep do-do if this happened to me.
Contact the tenents and ask them what the situation is.

I'm still waiting for your answer, you've decided to paint all us landlords as basically scum on this and other threads, so I'd like you to tell us what you would do. Until you do you should not pontificate against ALL landlords.
I'm still waiting for your answer, you've decided to paint all us landlords as basically scum on this and other threads, so I'd like you to tell us what you would do. Until you do you should not pontificate against ALL landlords.
Agreed. Wexfordguy has been pontificating against all of us but appears to have no answer as to what he would do in the same situation? WG seems to think we're all landed gentry with estates going back generations with no liabilities save for the gamekeeper!
WG seems to think we're all landed gentry with estates going back generations with no liabilities save for the gamekeeper!

Can anyone recommend a good gamekeeper?....I think ones current one is poaching the pheasants.

WG - most landlords are normal PAYE workers who have opted to go this route to provide a pension for themselves. If someone doesn't pay their rent, mortgages go unpaid & LL's risk losing their investment....simple as. Most landlords offer decent/good accomadation. Obviously there are some terrible landlords....just as there are terrible tenants. But on the whole, both groups are made up of decent people.

Speaking for myself looking out over my vast estate at the swans flying past, and having my special askaboutmoney valet type for me.

I can say there are many bad landlords and tenants out there but the vast majority are good.

Now I have to go to the airport to get my oriental shopping.

"hurry up, James, I think I'll take the Rolls tonight"...

"eh what! Which one? I think the blue one for a change"