Been rear - ended, other party draging their heals!



Was rear-ended about 2 weeks ago. Notified gardai, insurance details were exchanged. Got a quote from garage and faxed this through to other party. They weren't with the price for the labour which was quoted (is anyone?) and went off to try if they could get it done cheaper.
My question is,
  1. Who gets to call the shots. Can i choose where it gets fixed.
  2. What is an exceptable length of time to have to wait before vehicle gets fixed?
  3. Or can i just ignore their pleas regarding the cost and just go through their insurance.
You are in charge. They hit you and it's their fault.

"They weren't with the price for the labour which was quoted (is anyone?) and went off to try if they could get it done cheaper." Not sure what this means but if they reckon they can get it fixed cheaper, it's up to them to convince you the quality of the repair will be as good. I would contact them and ask them to either provide another quote for the repair for your consideration, or the money.

Put a time limit on it.

If they don't do what's required make one last call telling them you are contacting their insurer.

2 weeks is plenty of time to get it fixed.
If it goes through as an insurance claim, the insurers normally have a list of approved repair shops. If the other party is entirely at fault, also make sure you get them to pay for a hire car while your car is being repaired.
If also make sure you get them to pay for a hire car while your car is being repaired.

and you'll just end up paying it all back in insurance, if less people claimed and tried to work it out in a cilivised manner then maybe insurance wouldn't be so expansive here.

i would put a time limit on it, but the labour charged by some dealers is silly money, over 100 an hour in some places. How can anyone justlfy that. They have every right to question the price, i take it 3 quotes were provided by you.

I would have the limit but leave the claim as a last resort.
I would bring it to the main dealer and get a quote from them, if their not happy with the price and don't want to sort it out themselves then they have to put it through their insurance.

The fact that most main dealers charge over €100 euro per hour plus VAT, isn't really your fault and if the dealer is any good he will give you a car on loan until your is repaired.
Who gets to call the shots. Can i choose where it gets fixed.
You do. You pick where the car gets fixed

What is an exceptable length of time to have to wait before vehicle gets fixed?
Certainly not 2 weeks. I would say a week and if they don't start playing ball, contact their insurance and they will sort it straight away

Or can i just ignore their pleas regarding the cost and just go through their insurance.
YES and as soon as you do, they will start to wake let them know first you are going to their insurance in case they want to change their mind
All garages should go by whats called a glassmatic's report.. standard pricing for a part and standard labour charge and time for adding the part... labour is normally 55 a hour.. a 100 is a lot and most insurance companies wouldnt agree to it..
All garages should go by whats called a glassmatic's report.. standard pricing for a part and standard labour charge and time for adding the part... labour is normally 55 a hour.. a 100 is a lot and most insurance companies wouldnt agree to it..
most insurance wont agree to it and normally when the quote gets sent to the insurance company from the garage via the owner of the crashed car, the insurance company will normally ring the garage and work out a bit of a discount with them....its all part of the course
3 quotes is a bit excessive alright. Guy working with me got rear ended last week...I actually thought this was his post, but the offender was dragging his heals. I gave him the number of a local guy who does all the bodyshop work for the Audi dealership in the town and they quoted him 900+VAT. Audi were up at 1500inc VAT. Offender wanted to get his brother in law to fix it up, but he just rang the insurance company and they are sorting it
and you'll just end up paying it all back in insurance, if less people claimed and tried to work it out in a cilivised manner then maybe insurance wouldn't be so expansive here.
So you think it's fine for someone to be left without transport through no fault of their own.
and you'll just end up paying it all back in insurance, if less people claimed and tried to work it out in a cilivised manner then maybe insurance wouldn't be so expansive here.
The OP has tried to work it out in a civilised manner...the offender is not willing to co-operate in a timely manner so the OP is quite entitled to have his cake and eat it. Its not their fault their car was damaged.
Just a bit more info regarding quote.
It was from a main dealer, where i bought the vehicle.
The repair parts needed were listed as towbar, rear bumbper, bumper reinforcing bar, light socket. (reckon had it not been for the bumper there would have been more damage)
The labour price was 360e plus 50e for hire of car.

The problem that the other party is having is the excessive cost of labour. Cant say i blame them. €360 to take off the damaged parts and put on the new stuff. I could do it myself in under an hour (if i was the one responsible for the tip) The only thing if i undertake the work myself,i've no comeback if something doesn't fit as it should. Screw that!
you don't set the labour rates of the dealer, so its not your problem. Unless you can find a very reputable body shop repair guy in your area, then stick with the dealer.

Is your car an A4 by any chance?
If I got rear-ended, I would:

1) let the offender arrange to get it fixed for me in a half-decent garage.
2) If offender doesn't agree to this in a timely manner (i.e. 24 hours), go to main dealer (or your favourite mechanic) and call insurance company.
If he/she comes in with a cheaper quote you must satisfy yourself in advance of the quality of the proposed repair.
Oops - reading this thread I think we may have been hasty.

Fiance was rear-ended last Friday. Guy who ran into him said he was denying all liability.

We basically reported it to our insurance on Friday night (the accident), and to the their insurance on Monday. An assessor from their insurance has now seen the car.

Have we been too hasty?? Would it have expected by the other driver that we would send them a quote first? Can we still arrange to go through them direct??

PS: Sorry for hijacking this thread!