Beauty Machine Lease



Hello this is my first time ever posting .... Ive had my beauty business now for 5 years and for the past 2 years I admit Ive had my head in the sand....Im just not viable, I returned to live with my parents and have been existing on about 50euros a week after rent, stock and commitments are paid...

Ive now decided sorry realised that I have to face up to the situation however I am sick with worry about my lease (not my space lease as luckily Ive a break clause soon) but my laser lease with bank of ireland theres still 2 years left to pay off (at 1000 a month)

My dad has offered to loan me some money to pay back outstanding creditors etc but does anyone have experience of dealing with cancelling or bail out of an equipment lease in this you think I have a hope of them accepting something and writing it off or will they force me to pay back it all over time and still take back machine..

Im a sole trader btw hence the stress, and am sincerely grateful for any advice as right now Im feeling ashamed and distressed due to my circumstances.