Bathroom/ Kitchen Tiling

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I am in the process of buying a house.
Either I can get x amt as tile allowance for bathroom & kitchen or builder will do the standard tiling.
Just I am wondering is it GOOD to go with Builder's standard tiling for bathroom & kitchen or it would be good to take allowance do it our own taste?

Very much a personal preference, do you like the standard tiling? Did the tiling look badly installed? Are you worried about the quality of work putting them up or the design/colour? If you prefer to have your own tiler go in bear in mind they may not be allowed on site until the house is signed over to you.

I notice kitchen tiling is becoming a thing of the past as the counter tops in some showhouses we have viewed is granite and continues up the wall about 2 inchs to act as a barrier (as tiling might do). This same thing is also used for the cooker splashback.

Agree with stobear, dont see too much tiling in modern kitchens ... all fancy expensive granite worktops these days

Regarding the tiling in the bathroom, ensure all pipes are easily accessable if you get the standard tiling done ... and that furniture is fitted after tiles are done, otherwise you have lots of messy gaps etc


AFAIK Garret, you would always tile(the wall/splashback) AFTER kitchen is fitted. You would not tile before the kitchen is fitted because the tiles would force part of the presses out the thickness of a tile from the wall in certain places and you would need to be cutting small bits off the back of presses to level this up...not a good idea!

Was referring specifically to bathroom furniture, specifically bath tub, toilet, sink etc actually ... sorry if my post was not clear on this


Sorry Garret, should have seen that!!! Yea, big time, so much better to remove the sink, pedestal and cistern/toilet before tiling wall/floor!