Bathroom extension advice needed


Registered User
I,m wondering if planning permission is needed to raise the roof on a rear bathroom .The bathroom ceiling is 8 ft high .The bathroom is 11 ft long.
On the right of the bathroom theres a hallway .
On the left above the bathroom , there is the neighbours boundary, brick wall ,this wall is vertical ,
it goes straight up ,with no windows .
I,,d like to know if theres any planning permission needed to just make
the bathroom larger by raising the roof ,ceiling height by 7 foot.
To the left above the bathroom there is a vertical flat brick wall ,the hallway inside is on the other side of the wall .
The bathroom is entered from the hallway at the top the main
stairs .
The bathroom faces on to the rear yard which is about 21 sq metres .
Would making the bathroom bigger by going up be regarded as a new
extension .
The wall on the left has no windows .
IF i raise the roof could i build right up to the
The main roof would be exactly as it is now.
The roof would the same size as the old one, made of the same tiles ,so the main work would be raising the front bathroom wall ,making it higher, the same timber would be used to build the new roof.
The existing front wooden wall is 7ft high .
The bathroom is the 1st floor of an extension at the rear of the house ,
built 40 years ago.
Would raising the existing roof by 7 foot be regarded as a new extension
which would require planning permission .
From back to front wall of the bathroom its 9ft .
The extension is not visible from the neighbours yard as there is no windows on
the wall which is beside, on the left of the bathroom
wall ,
as it is in the existing bathroom.
This wall goes straight up to my neighbours roof .
All i will be doing is raising the bathroom roof by 7ft ,
and increase the height of the bathroom front wall ,
by 7ft,
so new bathroom front wall will be 14ft high instead of 8 ft high