Basic Credit Card Limit Question



I'd like to order something online that costs a small bit more than my current credit limit.

Is it enough to transfer money from my current account into my credit card account first (transfer the difference between my credit card a/c balance and the price of what I'm ordering)?

Or will it still say that the order exceeds my credit limit (even though I would have enough funds "available" in my Visa account).
Surely if you transfer the money first and allow it to clear, the due balance goes down so you won't breach your limit anyway?,
I don't have anything "due" on the card. I transferred (40 euro) from my current account to the Visa (and it cleared this morning). So my credit limit + the 40 euro is enough to make the order.

But it still seems to say 'credit limit exceeded' when I go to order.

I might have to ring them to increase my limit?
It might take a few days for the bank to clear it, even though it is showing up on your internet banking.
If you have online banking it may be possible to increase your limit by clicking a link. AIB have this for visa and if you are not overdue I think it will upgrade automatically and immediatly.