Bank employee transfer policies



I work for a major bank and signed a contract many years ago whereby we agreed to be transferable. However, after a number of years in my current post I have been told I am being transferred but it is also a promotion with more responsibilty. I am in a stable relationship and very settled and this new job would involve substantial time away from home and the new job is also not the type of work I would be interested in.
My question is, although my contract states I agree to be transferable, can I refuse on the grounds that it is a promotion, a different job with greater stress and responsibility and not just a transfer of location? I'm happy in my current position, have got consistently very good reviews and really do not want this upheavel.

I think the clause that staff can be transferred is in most financial services contracts and probably also in many other large organisations contracts also.

I'd start off by speaking directly to whoever has made this "offer" to you & explain you do not wish to take the promotion or take on the new role .. for the reasons you have mentioned. See what their response is ....

Assuming this does not deal with the problem, then go to your HR department ... again, taking a similar friendly approach.

There is a bit of a fine line here, as I have it, between the employee & employer & what is considered reasonable.

Good luck



Have you talked to the IBOA? - They might be able to give you the accepted precedent for this. My personal memory is that you can refuse a promotion if you wish - this is not verified and may well have changed considerably since my time in the bank.

Also, in some banks that are split into regions it is considered normal and acceptable to be transferred within the Region (ie Dublin Nrth / Dublin Sth etc) - unfortunately as banks continue to try and consolidate internal administration functions these regions are getting bigger and bigger.

In addition if the bank you work for is the one currently going through a restructuring and redundancy phase they might be trying to move you instead of paying the redundancy

The final point is how career orientated are you? - if you are offered a move / promotion and refuse it will count against you (even if it's subconsciously) in the future

Seems very unusual to be offered a promotion that you didn't seek - Isn't there an open competition for such places that employees should apply for?
It seems to be more to facilitate the current occupier of the position to leave I think