Ban the Eurovision

Re: i cant believe its not turkey

Apparently I'm wrong, ( I appreciate your civility) perhaps it was Belgium that required two voters to get to their grand total of Seven?

Re: i cant believe its not turkey

Father Ted and Dougal would have done better!!!

Loiuse Walsh said it CD was amatuer and so was the song, and he picked him!!. Pop guru mr a**e!!
naughty naughty

Post containing obscenity deleted

Please note our editorial policy.


Has everyone gone swearing mad recently?

Just wondered...
Re: ..

TinkyWinky, I don't think Cuchallain used a swear word in his last post...if memory serves me right, he used the letters u, f, k and c to form a word, that wasn't a swear word.

Maybe it was in his other post though. Can't be sure.

Thank you Piggy. I used 4 letters commonly used in a swear word but not in the correct order. Rainyday however may be dyslexic and sees them in some other order. My daughter wears a teeshirt with those four letters on it, again not in normal order and its apparantly ok. Course its a big international clothing company and that makes it ok. anyway all I said was that it was a crap song. that those ******* ( not in order) at montrose keep going on and on and on about us winning the eurovision more than anyone else, and this has shades of england winning the world cup in 1966 and as a result everyone hates the england team when in fact it should be those broadcasters we shoud hate. I also ranted that a certain early morning broadcaster at rte went on, on monday morning about how the weather here on sunday was warmer than athens and istanbul.and all because the sun comes out twiice a year for a few hours. and I prefixed him with ******. which is as far as I know not a word at all. Maybe rainyday is a broadcaster!