Balcony Charge


Registered User
Hello, need some advice, I understand management fees must be paid every year for common areas etc. A separate balcony charge was added circa 450euros some years ago and the work was never done and is not planned, are the management company entitled to leave the charge indefinitely if the work will not be completed?
If you are a householder then presumably you are a member of the management company and can query this directly?
Thanks for your reply, I did query it and no date could be given for the work, yet the charge was applied in 2019
Did you raise it at a general meeting?
Your original post is couched in a way that suggests that you consider the management company to be "them" when it's actually "you/us".
Yes I raised it at agm, the agm had a handful of people, mainly houses with no balcony, my main point is, I don't think it is right to charge someone 450euros for no service, surely that can't be allowed continue as it cant be repeated
What reply did you get at the AGM. I can only assume someone advised that remedial work be done periodically and the management co decided to start a fund to deal with the works when they do arise. So did they indicate how much was in the fund, what the frequency of work will be and when they are going to review. I assume they will ring fence the money just for balcony maintenance.
It sounds like they are being proactive and organising the fund before it is needed instead of hitting people with large bills at the time of repair.
Thanks for your reply unfortunately the work is long overdue at this stage, timber on the balcony requires replacing, actually the management company are being reactive and not proactive, they charged 450euros in 2019 and have no intention of repairing the balcony, I already paid someone else to do the work and the management company still say I owe them 450euros for nothing
The charge was applied, after 2019 agm, voted in by a handful of people mainly houses with no balcony, once the charge was applied I objected to it
Call an EGM for all those with balconies who are of the same mind as yourself about this specific charge. If others can't attend, collect their proxies. Consult your constitution to ensure you have all processes and procedures correct.

I'm working on the assumption you are referring to the OMC, where all property owners in the development are members.
Thanks guys, for your help, it is a good steer in the right direction, a lot of this is new to me, your comments are very much appreciated