Bad Service from Web Designer Advice pls



Im setting up a small company in Ireland from abroad my business partner is Ireland based heres the story...

Met this web designer guy in Nov 07 he told me 6wks for a site to be up and running, my business is partly web based need a website and pretty sharp one too.. Sent him loads of links of ones I liked and the general standard gave him a brief of what I wanted. He slacked off my project so sent him email and so he got on the case. He sent a template and wasnt and still am not happy looks like I did it myself. He changed the script/text I sent him and this is April O8. The site he sent me bears no resemblance to the standard I sent to him, I would understand if I sent and resent changes but it has even taken him ages to change basic things.

We need to include a gallery section and my products are quiet different from others so wanted specific photos which I was happy to wait until we got but I it shouldnt take 6mths to get the actual template sorted?

Basically Im so ****ed off now I dont really want to proceed with this guy and really need advice.. Do I still have to pay him?

No contract, nothing which is I big mistake on my part or is it?
If the relationship has gone bad you are better off finding someone better to work with, it sounds like you gave him a good brief and examples so there's no reason why he shouldn't have delivered. It sounds like the problem might be that while he is technically good at web, he doesn't have any design skills to create what you need, hence it looking unprofessional.

Was any staged payment agreed on e.g. a third up front? Or was it just a general xxxx euro for my website?

If thats the case you could go back and reasonably state that you think the website is only 5% finished, and arrange a percentage of payment for him, that will cover some of the hours he put in?