Bad Accountant



We have a really bad accountant. Need to find a new accountant but every time I ring a company I get a hundred questions off secretary before they even put you through, can anyone give me advice on how I can find a good reliable accountant
Literally a hundred questions or are you exaggerating a bit? What sort of questions?
Define a "really bad accountant", are they incompetent or just not doing the work at all ?
Not saying that this is the case here, but sometimes a "bad accountant" is defined as one who won't do things the client wants done in the way the client wants them done rather than in the way legislation, accounting/auditing standards or professional guidelines would dictate.

Generally a personal recommendation from other business people using a particular accountant is the best and most satisfactory way to get a new accountant. Also, if the cleint business is small / owner managed, then a sole practitioner with one or two staff may give a more personal service than larger firms.
Hard for anyone to advise you, when they have no idea where in Ireland you are or what business yr in.
What i did was prepare a list of my requirements and the type of accountant and relationship i was looking for (i hate accounts and have difficulties with some of the terms and wanted a bit of hand holding at the start). I also explained in general terms why i was moving from my current accountant (lack of communication).
I then emailed this around a few in the area. Only about half responded who i met and eventually went with the one i got the best vibe from.