Back dating part time work supplements


Registered User
Hi all,
I have been working here in Ireland for the last 4 years. My job is mainly seasonal, ie 30 - 35 hours per week from April - October. Last year I was only working 2 days per week from November - March. The 3 years before that I wasn’t required to work any days until the season started again so I was fortunate enough to be able to rely on my partners income and did not claim any JSA.
I have recently been told that when I was only working 2 days per week I would have been entitled to a supplementary payment from the government. My question is would I be able to make a backdated claim for this money or is it too late?
I am also leaving my job permanently next week and am looking to start some evening courses to change career, would I be entitled to any help in funding these courses once my employment ends?
Thanks in advance

Don’t think you can get back payment.

Their view is you survived without it..

The only level of backdating will go to the date of application of form.

Second question- don’t know. But immediately on being made unemployed go and notify social welfare in person. That will start things off for you. They should be able to help re course. There are certain course that you can do for free with the social, but they have to be processed through them.

If you quit job rather that being made unemployment you mightn’t get social welfare for 6 weeks. But you still need to sign on immediately
If you quit job rather that being made unemployment you mightn’t get social welfare for 6 weeks. But you still need to sign on immediately

Think its actually 9 weeks wait - see here

If you leave work voluntarily or as a result of misconduct, you cannot get a jobseeker’s payment for 9 weeks. However, if you have ‘good cause’ to leave voluntarily, for example, any changes in working conditions such as a reduction in pay, harassment or abuse from your employer, you may get your payment. The Deciding Officer in your local Intreo Centre or Social Welfare Branch Office will decide whether you had good cause to leave voluntarily.