AXA/MBNA credit card


Registered User
Hey all.
I have one of these,but when I changed car I simply couldnt go with the quote axa gave me,so I changed insurance company.
The deal was that for evry € I put through my CR card I would recieve points which would convert to money off my car premium.Also the government levy would in effect be absorbed by giving me the required points to go against my premium.
My question is where deos this money go now?/Or deos the money exist?
It's not exactly a large sum of money or anything, though I'd prefer it donated to charity than line the pockets of these companies.
Anyone in the same boat?
Re: Axa/MBNA CR Card

My question is where deos this money go now?/Or deos the money exist?
It's not exactly a large sum of money or anything, though I'd prefer it donated to charity than line the pockets of these companies.

No money exists. Axa use the "points" earned through the card to apply a discount to policies. They obviously feel, or know, that the repeat business they get from customers who use the card staying with them is worth whatever discounts they may have to provide (a discount on an expensive quote technically isn't a discount though so do be careful!).

If you check your T's&C's of the CC I'm sure you'll find that there is no way that the "points" can be used for anything other than a discount with Axa, so you'll have no way to try and donate this money (again, technically it never was money) to charity.

Technically it's not lining the companies pocket, it's just no longer providing you with a discount (while the company have lost a customer so it's hitting them in the pocket!).
Re: Axa/MBNA CR Card

Thank you Satanta,
Had the impression that MBNA were re-imbursing the discount to AXA.
I apreciate you explaining this to me.