Irish Life Health Aviva BUSINESS PLAN SELECT



I am looking to take out health insurance for myself, wife and new born child. I have spoken to Aviva who recommend the BUSINESS PLAN SELECT
plan. I can take this out as a company director.
Can anyone advise any thoughts on this plan and is there any "gottchas" associated with it in the event anything did happen to one of us.

I just want to make sure that we can get good medical cover in the event anything bad was to happen health wise.


These plans are available to everyone, you don't have to be a director to avail of them. If you log on to the HIA website ( you can get an independent comparison of these plans, if you compare the business plan to Aviva's level 1 or level 2 hospital, you will see the benefits of all 3 side by side and you can decide what cover is importnant to you.
You will have an in-patient excess with this plan that their consumer plans won't have, but if youre happy with this it is a very good price. Business Plan extra has same in-patinet cover with a smaller excess and more back on our-patient expenses. You can also look at company plan plus select with VHI.