Auctioneer fees on selling apartment ?



An auctioneer I bought an apartment from 4 years ago has quoted me 2% auctioneers fees plus the cost of advertising - maybe € 1000, and the cost of auctioneer boards - about € 200 - if I choose to sell the apartment. Is this the going rate ? I asked another auctioneer and they were to phone back with a quote but they did not. I get the idea they do not like people shopping around ? Anyone got a better rate off them in country towns ? Because I know the 3 or 4 auctioneers in the town, its a bit uncomfortable asking them for a quote and then not using them, but I do not like to be ripped off either.
Going rate are suffering rom an action associated by a scredriver I think.

A. ring (shop) around, as Big oul mary says
B. Negotitae

Probably the Dublin rates are more competitive thoguh...
But dont let "embarrasment" put you off rining around! thats daft they wont be too emebarrassed to offer you a higher rate than they would be willing to settle if you haggled.