Atlantic Air to Water heat pump


Registered User
Considering putting one of these in to heat the water. Plumber tells me unit cost €2500. Anyone know whether these are good, bad, indifferent? Also, should I go for the Solar Thermal solution that does water and heat? Any idea what this would cost?

Thanks. Very new to this renewable energy.
What method are you currently using to heat water?

Central heating, hot tap (at the taps) or both?
Well, reading back my last post I wasn't really all that clear!!

You don't say whether you're using oil or gas, but the chances are, these cost less to run than a heat pump will for your current needs. Heat pumps as a retro-fit generally make more sense if included with a whole package of energy improvements that significantly reduce your overall heating needs.

Most heat pumps run at a lower temperature than a traditional central heating boiler, so adjustments are often required to the rest of the system (changing the rads for instance). I have read of a few companies who are making high-temperature heat pumps that are a better option for replacement of a boiler, but I've no idea what these cost or how widely available they are here at this point.