Assembling the Pension 'pot'



I have about 7 pensions with different providers all of the 'Defined contribution' type and am reaching the age when I'm thinking about retirement. I have received current valuations on all of the pensions but was wondering how do I go about taking them.

I understand I have to buy an annuity with the 'pot' but what is the mechanism to assemble the 'pot' into one gross amount in a bank account?

Secondly am I restricted to buying an annuity in Ireland? The UK appear to be giving a lot better rates of up to 6%
The direction that you can go is defined by the pensions you have.

+ The rules of the main scheme in each case.
+ Where are they UK, Ireland, other
+ It is possible to combine them into one pot to maximise your pension.

First thing is find out what the rules are and take it from there.