Ark Life Regular Premium Portfolio Statement


Registered User
I received my 2009 statement this morning and unsurprisingly, the value is at 6854 (net) having paid in 9768 in premiums since 2000. Is this loss of 2900 small enough that I can just leave it and it will recover at some stage or should I just take the money and invest it in some of the higher interest rate accounts (hoping that I can make my 2900 back quicker).

I realise that this is the type of cystal ball gazing and I am not talking aboug large sums of money but I am basically looking for some reassurance that I should just leave it. I am only paying in the minimum each month (€75).

The other lesson I learned was that I was originally advised to take this product by my helpful AIB financial advisor. I now realise that it was a sales pitch rather than independent advise!

Your last paragraph is totally ture, these guys best interest in keeping themselves in a job.

I also received my 2009 Ark Life Portfolio statment on fri in the post. I have paid 27,000 to end of year 2008 and its only valued at 18,301.
Also to answer your question. Leave it there. Even their best high interest account will never recover your losses that quick. After a downturn in the market history has shown that it does recover significantly.
same boat here.. just wondering if it would be a good idea to stop paying (for a while, till things improve) and put that money into something else?