Are there other sites to track your rabo fund investments?


Registered User
I've just put some money in the Rabo funds' China, mining and Emerging markets. Doing very well so far, but I find their website a bit basic.

I'd like to be able to track their performance a bit better, like I could if I had shares in an eTrade account for example.

As the funds are worldwide funds that you just purchase through rabo, does anyone know if there are sites that let you track them an produce better charts and reports on it? i.e. put in units purchased, price, date etc and individually chart growth?
Google for information about the specific fund/provider that Rabo sell and see what you can find?
I can find the info on the three different funds I have invested in seperately, but I'd like a site that can collectivly track different funds, like you can track stocks from different markets...

Any ideas?
I can find the info on the three different funds I have invested in seperately, but I'd like a site that can collectivly track different funds, like you can track stocks from different markets...

Any ideas?

can yahoo finance do it for you????
As RABO acts as middleman , yes ...

Example is MLIIF Mining

[broken link removed]
I usually use, register and use its market monitor free of charge, you will just need the ticker of the fund you have invested in (easily found if you just google the name of the fund, the company name and ticker)

Hope this helps you out!