Are there couples who decided not to have kids?

Sound like you need a new attitude. Did anyone ever tell you about bullying?? Being immature? BTW hope everything stays fine for you and that you get what you deserve
What on earth are you on about?
I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum, I'm pregnant on my 4th baby in quick succession and I'm being asked "am I mad", "was it an accident", "did we plan ANOTHER" followed by "you must be trying for the girl" followed by "is this the last one" or "you'll hardly go for 5 will you".

It's endless. My attitude is that we've never planned how many babies we'd have or when we'd have them. We've been blessed so far and all going well this may or may not be our last. Who knows, I'm still "young enough" to have more but "lifestyle questions" have to start rearing their head at this stage like "how the hell are we going to afford 4 let alone anymore!!!" and "when will we ever get a 2 week holiday alone together"! That kind of went out the window after no 3!!

But in my mind we're lucky, it is hard work but worth it. My sister on the other hand is recently married and it wouldn't surprise me if they decided not to have kids, she finds my house an absolute headwreck much as she does "love" her nephews!!
Have to laugh, my Mum is fuming because the wife of one of my uncles remarked to her "wasn't it well for me and my husband that we could wait till now (I'm 33) to have our first", while her own daughter has had 6 kids by the age of 30 which she seems to feel is some sort of badge of honour. Totally petty. I mean, neither me nor my Mum would have dreamt of commenting (even to each other) about her daughter having her 6 kids.
...the wife of one of my uncles remarked to her "wasn't it well for me and my husband that we could wait till now (I'm 33) to have our first"
You could reply .... "Thats right, it WAS well for us to wait till now. Wouldn't want to rush into things, now would we ?"
the wife of one of my uncles remarked to her "wasn't it well for me and my husband that we could wait till now (I'm 33) to have our first"

I'm guessing contraception is an alien concept to the uncle's wife, maybe she thinks it's all in the lap of the Gods. Bless.
We've been blessed so far and all going well this may or may not be our last. Who knows

I'm not trying to be funny here, this is a serious question, but do you ever think about how there are too many people in the world and how this is destroying our environment?
You just did (comment, that is).
I'm not trying to be funny here, this is a serious question, but do you ever think about how there are too many people in the world and how this is destroying our environment?
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So if you're asked why you don't have any kids you can say you're just doing your bit for the environment, and if you're asked why you have so many you can say you're just bolstering the working age population!
I'm not trying to be funny here, this is a serious question, but do you ever think about how there are too many people in the world and how this is destroying our environment?

If you really care about this you should go off to the developing world and work in education and family planning.
I didn't comment on her daughter having 6 kids, more the mother using it to comment on me not having them.
So the 'which she seems to think is a badge of honour' jibe is not considered to be comment?
I'm not trying to be funny here, this is a serious question, but do you ever think about how there are too many people in the world and how this is destroying our environment?

Utter rubbish.
Looks like mass sterilization may be the only way to go to save the planet, and indeed the human race.
Maybe targeted sterilisation...There's definitely people that I would prefer not to of then is far too many !
One thing always bothers me though, young girls who have no idea how a kid should be raised (possibly of their own crappy upbringing) having a few (possibly by different absentee fathers) kids in a few years and getting state support/benefits/housing and rearing a brood of utter scumbags.

This is not a generalised statement, I have seen it first hand on numerous occasions, and so have you probably, even if you didn't know it.

The worst thing is that while they do this, there are couples out there who can't have kids and desperately want one, to be reared in a secure caring environment.

Life sucks sometimes...