Applying for my own credit card - can I use joint account statement?


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Im Applying for a Credit Card, Can I use my joint account statement as the information they request or will it have to be my own personal bank statement in which the bill will be coming out from?
All my accounts are joint accs and I have never had any problem when applying for anything. In saying that I was able to show them the account the repayments would be made from.
my problem is that i dont get statements very often for my own account so I wouldnt have the last 3 months that they request for the application available. I get frequent statements for my joint account. I know I need to sort that out with my bank, but was hoping to apply for a creditcard soon.
They'll probably want to see statements for your main account - the a/c that you are paid into, pay bills from etc. to see your income, spending patterns etc. So, whichever that a/c is!
All they will see from my spending pattern is my money going from my own account into the joint account haha, better get onto the bank for a statement.
Thanks for the help
Im not sure about getting this card now, I havent sent in any statements just the application form online. Will they stil process it? Would I have to ring them to tell them Ive changed my mind?