Apartment in Belfast


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A Chairde,

Thinkin, of buyin, an apartment in belfast, buy to let, and a medium to long term investment, what are your opinions on this ???

Here housing market is slowing in North / Britain , is it right time...
If i was going to buy in belfast i certainly wouldn't buy an apartment
You can buy a nice house for the price of an apartment.

Alos people are less likely to want to rent apartment wehn they can rent a house for in and around the same.

I've also seen in the last couple of months the cost of apartments coming down in value.

You could pick up a nice house in north, south, east, west belfast for a good price.


belfast is fast becoming quite a lovely city. rents however are very low and apartments are not vrey highly thought of.
I wouldn't say lovely now i've bought a couple of houses in the in belfast and had alot of bricks through the window of my houses just becasue the people were ethnic, its got a long way to yet.
Forestside Area of South Belfast is Best Area

brehon6789 said:
I wouldn't say lovely now i've bought a couple of houses in the in belfast and had alot of bricks through the window of my houses just becasue the people were ethnic, its got a long way to yet.

Is that the Donegall Road area of Belfast? Donegall Road area has the cheapest housing in Belfast...

The best area to purchase in is in the Forestside area of South Belfast. Lots of investment going into that area. It's also a mixed area, so it'll appreciate better than the very cheap areas.
Where is the forest side of belfast in relation to the Donegal road

You i bought a house just off the Donegal RD awhile back.

How much can you pick up a house in the Forest side part of town?
1.Stick to apartments as you can't be them for sercuity (that goes for all city centres)
2.rental yields are a lot higher than the south , example my apartment worth 120,000 /rent per month 535 /yearly rates 750/ managment fees 800 /
Forestside is the name of the big Sainsburys / M&S shopping centre. Planning permission has just been applied for for another shopping centre nearby. I believe it's Tescos this time.


The housing areas around Forestside are called Newtownbreda, Four Winds, Knockbreda & Rosetta.

Do you know the UTV broadcasting centre on the Ormeau Road? Drive past this going out the Ormeau Road for about 2 miles (maybe less). You'll see the shopping centre on your left. You can't miss it. There's a big Homebase centre on the left too.

Cost of property will be a lot more than Donegall Road, as without wanting to tar brush the whole Donegall Rd area, I've been told it has been a trouble spot. So I stayed away... That's the reason some houses there cost just £35,000.

I invested in property near Forestside just 2 years ago for £140,000 - now worth maybe £195,000. But I think you can possibly still get something around the area for maybe £100,000

I've researched aspects of the Northern Ireland property market, and according to my research there's never been a property crash in the North. Apparently, even in the 70's there were major increases in property prices! Many years in the 70's property increased by over 20% per annum! This is in contrast to England, which has seen significant crashes in the past, and has seen falling prices since last August. This is just my opinion, but at the moment I simply wouldn't invest in England, or the Republic as I think the markets are just too unstable (and no I can't prove it before anyone asks).

It's not in Britains interests to let the NI economy stagnate. So I can only see prices there going upwards.

Have to admit that i do agree with you on the property prices up north, i now know the area that you talking about.

only thing is that i buy small houses cause i see them as beuing easier to let, and my repayments aren't very large, and a well done up property can be resold easily enough. also the donegal area seems to be getting alot of investment into the area over the next few years. Its an area that needs it but i like the returns that i am currently getting renting to students.
Apartments are great but in the NI housing market they we're the only properties that fall in price.

Reselling them is a nightmare,

Security they are great, but in the NI market i would advise staying clear of them.