Anyone thinking of buying a "Tefal Quick Cup" - I wouldn't recommend it

I'm glad someone liked it and all Tefal's efforts have not been in vain

Sorry, but I thought it was complete crap.
Lots of people agree with me, for example on it got an overall rating of 3.5 out of 10, with only 25% of people recommending it.

Some choice comments:
"I've read back many of the comments here and have to tell you all that you can't have followed the instructions and cleaned the system out with white vinegar every month as instructed"
"You must turn it off at the wall straight after you have finished with it. Change the filter when recommended. Descale using vinegar when recommended."
" also fill it with a jug rather than keep fighting to pull the water container out."
"Tea also tasted funny as it wasn't made with boiling water. Very noisy also! I am taking mine back at the weekend"
"I will be returning it and will exchange it for a new kettle."
"We are going to take it back to the shop because it obviously doesn't do what it says and I thought we would get an exchange for another but having read reviews on more than one site, have decided to get a refund and wait until Tefal sort out the problems."
"Maybe turning it off when not in use makes a difference, but keep your kettle handy just in case!"
"Must be the worst item I have purchased in over 60 years."

For a machine that is supposed to be quick and simple, the amount of maintenance is a bit much - turn it off, change the filter, descale it - and then you should keep the kettle handy just in case!!!
Pointless kitchen appliance of the century, in my opinion!
just had to give backing to the Tefal quick cup, sad day, yesterday, 8 yr old QC finally died, never let us down. We have another 6 yr old still going strong, only reason I found this blog today,as was immediately looking for a new one, put your jug through the dishwasher & change the filter regularly, surely 3 secs of a small rattle & hiss, won't deafen anyone. Need hot water for all sorts of cooking moments, place mug & press. Said my bit, off to buy a new one today.
I have a Tassimo machine. Makes teas, coffees, hot chocolates etc. A bar code reader on the drink discs tells the machine to use just the right amount of water at the right temperature for a given brew. Love it.
If you are a tea drinker buy one of these [broken link removed]. There is nothing better. And it looks super cool.
PMU, I've just bought a new kettle for €20 in Aldi. I'm very happy with it as it's big and great on these frosty morning.

So €200 plus for a kettle is a big ask but I want.
I bought what i thought was a cool kettle that was reduced to EUR30 in one of the big stores (and checked on Amazon and it was about 80STG) so I thought I'll have me one of those. It was one of the types that you have to remove the lid completely to fill the kettle and has a very wide base narrowing to the top. The kettle itself is fine but its the design that gets me
- you cant fill the kettle from the cold tap with one hand (toddler in the other one!) as you have to use both hands - one to hold the kettle and the other to remove the lid
- you have to fill it with a lot more water to reach the minimum level

Just something to consider. Its back to the bog standard kettles for me!