Anyone set up Blackberry e-mail on a Nokia E61i with Vodafone


Registered User
With help from, I chose a new phone and bought a Nokia E61i at the weekend. Advertised in the Vodafone store as "Blackberry compatible" which was always a must-have feature, what with my being a Crackberry addict and all.

Transferred over all my contact and other data from my previous phone yesterday. Downloaded the Blackberry software from the Nokia website. Rang Vodafone yesterday to get my Blackberry account updated from my old phone to my new. It didn't work. Their Blackberry software didn't recognise my new PIN and IMEI number.

One of the Vodafone technical staff rang me today and checked software versions of the phone browser and Blackberry download. She suspects that the Nokia downloaded software may be incompatible with the Blackberry software, which would involve either Blackberry or Nokia releasing a software upgrade to fix.

Has anyone else encountered this problem with an E61i? Surely I'm not the only Nokia E61i owner in Ireland wanting to have push e-mail on Vodafone?
