Anyone know where I can rent a TV?

Sorry to reply with a question but why would you want to rent a tv? There are loads of cheap reliable models around like Beko ect...
There's a rental shop in Ranelagh (sorry can't remember the name but its on the main street) but like Dobber22 said, why rent when you can buy a perfectly good 21inch tv nowadays for just €130 (at least I did in Power City)!
Some suggestions - I know these places rented out TVs years ago, but they may still do so. Check your phone book for nearest shop:

(sorry hit the submit button before finishing last mail...)

Some suggestions - I know these places rented out TVs years ago, but they may still do so. Check your phone book for nearest shop:

- RTV (formerly RTV Rentals)
- Totterdells
- HM Entertainment (they rented TVs when they were Harry Moore's)
Thanks for the advice. Ye've persuaded me to go out and buy a TV. Does anyone know what newspaper I could get today that has a Powercity ad in it, as their website if fairly rubbish?
I one to GIVE away

got a mitsubishi tv to give away as i have upgraded. you in dublin?
Re: I one to GIVE away

Is that TV still going abegging Miss Dolly?