anyone imported a brand new car from the uk and avoided paying U.K. VAT?


Registered User
I Looking at importing a brand new Nissan Quashqai +2 (7 seater) from the U.K and according to the U.K. website.
It looks like I wont have to pay U.K. VAT which is 17.5 % (until Jan when it goes up to 20% I think) as long as the car is brand new. Is this as simple as it seems or am I missing something?
The CO2 emissions for the new engine are only 139 g/km, so its tax band B (The Irish version is still tax band C).
The Irish VRT will be approx the same as the VAT. So they cancel each other out....seems great !! Approx 7,000 Euro saving from the full Irish price and the yearly car tax will be 156 Euro instead of 302 Euro.
Any other considerations, pitfalls etc....
From your link
If you buy a new motor vehicle in the UK to take to somewhere else in the EU, you'll have to pay VAT on the vehicle in the other country when you arrive there.
So won't you have to pay Irish VAT?
If you import a new car from the UK to ireland you will have to pay Irish VAT and VRT.

Importing anything from another EU country will be taxed with Irish VAT at point of entry - although for some reason, services provided by electronic means seems to attract VAT at the source rate ie Sky TV services
Bought a new car in NI recently.

Got it minus the UK Vat, but had to pay Irish VAT and VRT to get it registred in RoI, so can't see you saving as much as €7k.

You didn't mention Irish VAT in your post. Sorry but thats applicable.
If you buy a second hand car in the u.k. instead of a brand new car. Will you only pay the VRT then?
Bought a new car in NI recently.

Got it minus the UK Vat, but had to pay Irish VAT and VRT to get it registred in RoI, so can't see you saving as much as €7k.

You didn't mention Irish VAT in your post. Sorry but thats applicable.

Very interesting RMCF. Do you have to prove to the N.I dealer that VAT has been paid in the Republic prior to taking delivery of the car
Very interesting RMCF. Do you have to prove to the N.I dealer that VAT has been paid in the Republic prior to taking delivery of the car

Yes you do, cos they need the proof so that they can show HM Customs that the car was exported out of the UK. You get a document from the VAT people in Ireland to say you imported the car and paid Irish VAT on it.

Otherwise the NI dealer would not be able to sell the car to you at VAT free price.

btw, it worked out just slightly more expensive than paying the UK VAT and then VRT. But just slightly.
This is slightly off topic, but, RMCF, had the car you bought in NI a higher spec than the equivelant car available in RoI? What was your motivation for buying the vehicle in NI?
This is slightly off topic, but, RMCF, had the car you bought in NI a higher spec than the equivelant car available in RoI? What was your motivation for buying the vehicle in NI?

Yeah it had a few extras added which made it better value than the equivalent model in RoI.

Another factor was the fact that the savings accumulated to buy the car were in STG as thats what I'm paid in. I didn't want to lose 3%-5% by changing my money into € to buy one in RoI. Also, I have experience of the dealer, and was able to wangle a few things out of them like a free service, upgraded stereo etc.

Even paying the VRT I think I made a saving, although it was nothing massive like some people might think.
An old interesting thread but was wondering how is the Irish vat currently calculated for a new car imported.

Is it (a) on the pre-vat price of the equivalent car in Ireland or (b) is it calculated relevant to the price paid in NI or UK or indeed any other way.