any searchable on-line database where I can search for court rulings?


Registered User
Two queries,

Is there any searchable on-line database where I can search for court rulings if I have the A Versus B.

Secondly are these legal precedents binding if these are not listed under any legislation

I am currently in a very vague legal situation (not in trouble and I want to bring this to my solicitors attention
. . . are these legal precedents binding if these are not listed under any legislation
Yes, but only if all things are more or less equal in a subsequent case, and even then only if there has been no relevant legislation passed in the mean time, and no judge has overruled the decision in the case you are relying on as a precedent.
To explain, the Common Law system we have is based on a principle that courts follow precedents set in other courts of the same or higher jurisdiction. The only exceptions are (I think) where a court can distinguish the present case from the precedent case, because of significant differences in the facts, and where a court can point out where the previous judge erred in law.
Thanks tried that site and but it is not listed. I have found in on google on some oireachtas report.

If anyone wants to know the circumstances, I can PM offline