Any provider offering small office packages with mobiles & landlines together?

Dave Vanian

Registered User
Can't find the answer to this on the web.

Is there any provider offering a combined "small office" package with landlines, broadband and mobiles all on the one package?

Office has three landlines, one of which has broadband and we have two mobiles.

A guy from Vodafone cold-called a while ago selling some great deal on combined landline & broadband packages. When I asked him could mobiles be included as well, he said he'd call back. I never heard from him since.
Hi Dave,

I am in a similar situation with a new start up. Just wondering if you got anywhere with this.

THanks .
Didn't find any all-encompassing deal, but am getting two mobiles from e-mobile, paying €69 per month each for unlimited Irish landline & mobile calls and texts. Should save on the landline outgoing calls anyway.
vodafone can do an all in package. They offer landline for business, broadband and mobile. I thought O2 may have a solution as well. As for a business account manager