Any improvements I could make to protect and prepare for future

I saw a distribution of Irish household income only a couple of years ago ...north of 200K it really flattens out (not mind blowing I admit ..but as you say subjective)

I would have to check the Revenue statistics, but 150k for a couple wouldn't put you in the top 1%.

"Mind-blowing" is pretty subjective I guess.
Two people on industrial wage is the guts of 80k combined.

100k is just above average.

125k I'd consider comfortable.
150k I'd consider very comfortable.
200k I'd consider mind blowing.
from direct experience's not ...having moved through the buckets here over the years ..after pension, tax and numerous other variables ..difference between 150 and 200K is not much in terms of lifestyle or any type of wealth turn around one day and say yeah you've done ok ..but you don't really consider yourself ..up there! .....if I was to go out and start obtaining a few 'mind blowers' ...800K house, a 100K car , a holiday home a nice day-day lifestyle and maintain good financial housekeeping (pension, rainy day, insurances etc) what was once very comfortable starts to feel uncomfortable ...again all relative

Two people on industrial wage is the guts of 80k combined.

100k is just above average.

125k I'd consider comfortable.
150k I'd consider very comfortable.
200k I'd consider mind blowing.
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By that logic the difference between 125k and 150k or most arbitrary amount are much in terms of lifestyle etc

Do you know many couples earning 200,k or more?
Well myself and the OH do .....the OH makes 200k pa for a start
Pension Max'd out , by choice a modest house and cars (never stressing when unexpected bills hit), building wealth for maybe early retirement or holiday home, kids education etc ..very nice day-day lifestyle , holidays etc which we value ...on the outside Mr and Mrs Average definition of afford being able to obtain and maintain without compromising medium and longer term wealth and security be able to afford the 'mind blower' items and associated lifestyle is a big big number....defo not 200K

By that logic the difference between 125k and 150k or most arbitrary amount are much in terms of lifestyle etc

Do you know many couples earning 200,k or more?
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OH and myself both in high grade tech jobs and that type of overall income is common (base, stock, car allowance , bonus).
now ..base pay is not 200K maybe that's part of the disconnect to revenue stats
As I said ....we don't lean into our incomes ...try doing good financial housekeeping , pay all your taxes, value some security and a few perks without stressing ... it doesn't give you breakthrough you think.

Each move up brings new issues ..flash car, house , watch whatever ..the cost of ownership is exponential

I think the household buckets need to be wider in increments of 100K to see any type of wow factor inbetween.

Bully for you. Revenue figures would suggest 200k is fairly low occurring .
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I was wrong.

These are the Revenue gross income numbers for married couples with two incomes from 2018.

Percentage of the Total Number of Income Cases2018100,000 to 150,000Married couples or civil partners - both earning%14.66
Percentage of the Total Number of Income Cases2018150,000 to 200,000Married couples or civil partners - both earning%3.95
Percentage of the Total Number of Income Cases2018200,000 to 275,000Married couples or civil partners - both earning%1.90
Percentage of the Total Number of Income Cases2018275,000 and overMarried couples or civil partners - both earning%1.60

6.5% have a gross taxable income of >€150k.
wow we must be in the top 1% so ...I must upgrade the 10yo hatchback this getting
too many snooty looks on the school run these days ..based on the large number of 5 Series at the gate
I thought they all on 275k+

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