Antenna on Balcony Issue


Registered User
Hi All,

I live in an apartment with balcony and have been instructed by my management company to remove a wireless receiver antenna that I have attached to the balcony. Both me and my solicitor are quite satisfied that the lease contract wording clearly states I can’t put it up in the first place. However, I’ll still ask, has any cleverclogs out there figured out a way around this issue. [eg sending some letter to them that would convince them I’m not worth the hassle in pursuing]

Feel free to PM.

[Please note, I’ve already been spotted, so disguising is not going to resolve it]

Thanks In Advance
If your own solicitor has not figured out a way to circumvent what sound like clear cut and unambiguous rules and maintain the status quo then I doubt that anybody else can. If you can mount the antenna inside your property such that it can receive the signal OK then I don't think that you would be in breach of the rules that often apply in such situations. Alternatively maybe switch to one of the wireless broadband providers that supply indoor "receivers" if possible?
Antannae and dishes attached to fronts of buildings, including houses and apartments, generally require planning permission - probably one of the reasons your landlord doesnt allow you.
If you don't attach it to the wall - but have it fixed on a stand, its no longer a permanent fixture as such. They can't do a whole lot to you then. Same applies for Sat dishes.
If you don't attach it to the wall - but have it fixed on a stand, its no longer a permanent fixture as such. They can't do a whole lot to you then. Same applies for Sat dishes.

No. Not true. The wording of the Lease will generally prohibit the placing of ( e.g. Antenna) "at or on".
