Annual inflation rates



Anybody know where I can find a simple historical comparison of annual inflation rates from Ireland and the UK over the past five years (1999 - 2003)?

The [broken link removed] is your only man. Should be able to help you.
I posted a reply but I was beaten by blank. Hmm there's a tv gameshow in there somewhere. Do'h

Hi Peter,

You could try Eurostat [broken link removed]

Annual inflation Stats

Thanks for the replys.

None of these links give a five year history for the UK & Ireland. Is there no European/international site which provides this fairly basic data?
Must try harder!


Try looking a little harder, its all there.

is part of the cso site and gives historical data sometimes dating back to 1914! These data sheets are down loadable in excel format. Im sure the UK and Eurostat sites have similar download areas. Ive used them in the past.

The cso have international links here [broken link removed]
