Annoying colleagues


Registered User
Just wondering what traits in colleagues annoy people most. For me its a toss up between those who take credit for other people's work/ideas and those who are always rushing around looking busy and flustered and important, even when they're only catching up on a bit of filling.
those who take credit for other people's work/ideas

That drives me mad

Often you don't hear they have taken your idea till your MD annouces to the office that x has come up with a great idea !
I love them all now, nothing like the fear of unemployment to sharpen the appreciation of work and all it entails!!
those who are always rushing around looking busy and flustered and important, even when they're only catching up on a bit of filling.

I work with someone like that. This one will also wait til you've got something prepped for the office (boss), be it tills, paperwork or whatever and then grab it off you and insist she was heading there anyways.

This is the same one who will hide something you need in an effort to make you look bad when you can't complete a task.
... those who take credit for other people's work/ideas

I simply don't allow that to happen anymore - I'll do whatever is necessary.

Sounds dull but my biggest annoyance is just poor communication - from not updating you on progress that affects your work for example, to forgetting to tell you about a phone call or at the last minute, an order that now " ...actually isn't going out"
I simply don't allow that to happen anymore - I'll do whatever is necessary.

Dead right....when I was younger I would be fuming in my seat but was too afriad to say anything .... now I will say 'actually that was my idea...remember we spoke about it in our last meeting and then I emailed you my proposal'
Jasus, where do you work?! Do people really carry on like that?

Yea, that’s what gets me as well.
People who work from 8 til 4:30 but spend the early hour actually drinking tea and on the web. Likewise people that work late and build up TIL while surfing.

People that are afraid to lock up which makes me stay behind to hold their hand.
Ah too much to mention. In effect would give the impression I despise everyone I work with...might not be far from the truth.

I'll stick with th emore immediate traits:

1. spending more time standing around telling me how much work they've got on that actually getting on adoing it. Then when they do get around to doing the work complaining of being so stressed that they have to take the day off the next day or, in one case going off for two weeks with "stress".

2. Same people above who seem to forget I know exactly how much work they have on as I have the exact same workload.

3. People who have no idea of the exact nature of their incompetence.

4. People who think that just because they've been here a year or so longer than me doesn't make them my boss.
I absolutely hate brown nosers. Theres currently one in my office who is so nice and sweet to 'important' staff and totally patronising and rude to the rest of them. Behaves differently in front of the boss than behind his back. Not nice.

Poor communication, we actually used to have a guy who you would give some work to and later on say 'So, how are you getting on with whatever' and he would pretend he hadnt heard you, so you'd say it again a little louder, he would still sit with his back to you ignoring you, you'd call his name, he'd ignore you, you'd eventually land right next to him, frustrated and call his name loudly and he would eventually respond, but in a confrontational manner as if you were being a bully. If you emailed him or left a note on his desk he would just ignore it so you always ended up verbally chasing him while he maintained his back to you.

People who dont want to learn new things, we have a girl who keeps asking me to fix the same problem, so last time I said to her it would make more sense if I showed her what to do (its dead easy) so then she could to it herself and not have to come looking for me. Answer: no thanks, i dont want to learn how to do it.
I mean what is that about!!! (she is similar position as me but newer to the office)
This is the same one who will hide something you need in an effort to make you look bad when you can't complete a task.

OMG can't believe this.

I have a colleague (well on paper we're the same level but that's it as far as I'm concerned) who is a complete drama queen and makes a job out of everything. Last August she sent me an email asking me to submit my diary requirements for 2009. Our diaries cost about 50 cent and I have 4 staff. Whoever is responisble for ordering stationary at the time use to do this 'non job' (the stationery order person changes every 6 months or so).

I didn't really take any notice of the mail but sure enough I got a reminder.

At our weekly meeting 3 of us have to update the boss on current issues/progress etc.. Her turn came and she went though the 6 things she did last week including submitting the diary order for the whole department (about 13). The following week she updated us telling us the diaries has arrived and that her staff member would be circulating them later in the week!!!

I tune out now when she's talking as I would end up with a splitting headache every Thursday morning what with all the eye rolling.
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This is the same one who will hide something you need in an effort to make you look bad when you can't complete a task.

She would certainly not get away with this more than once with me.

One warning, and then she would get a very, very nasty shock that she would never forget.
I could write loads on this topic!

I have a colleague who, when in poor form, will sigh heavily and mutter to herself and slam things around until she is asked 'is everything okay?'. Upon being asked she'll launch into a rant about her husband, her mother, her daughter...whoever has most recently annoyed her. She's well able to tell me what her mother said about her sister last week but not so able to tell me my phone messages if I was out of the office....
Another colleague is a baby bore - all she talks about are her children. When I announced that I was leaving the job (after four years) and moving on she said "when?" and I said "August" and she said "oh, (insert childrens names) have summer camp in August...very expensive...blah blah blah..all their friends are doing it... blah blah...aren't children great...blah blah". Didn't even ask me where I would be going next!! And still hasn't asked me about it weeks later! And yet I know what her kids want to be when they grow up, what her kids have for breakfast, what her kids like, don't like, etc....
Well I really hate when work colleagues come behind my desk to perch on the corner of it. I mean, there is one particualar guy who comes over and I know he is dying for a look at what is on my PC, he is a nosey git! Another guy we work with said he was looking at my folders in the press I accidentally left unlocked one evening when they were working late together. If I were to complian him he would be gone for doing that and I cant cope to talk to him as he asked me out 4 times at the start of the year.

I suppose thats another point, work colleagues who are 25 years your senior asking you out!
Thank god I work on my own these days but I used to work with a girl who just irritated me in every possible way.

Constantly texting, I mean I could hear her all day every day texting with her little clicky bloody buttons - drove me nuts.

Always breaking up with the boyfriend, so every monday morning, big weepy head on her while she constantly texted everybody she knew. Eventually I had to tell her that I would prefer if she just rang everybody from the office phone and got what she had to say out in a few minutes rather then texting throughout the day.

Come 12.59 she would be walking out to lunch in the kitchen, she would sit at kitchen table reading a book, not talking and funnily enough not texting until exactly 2pm at which time she would walk back in, sit at desk and start texting.

Constantly used to go on about how she was bullied in her last two jobs and had to leave..... so everytime I had to correct her I got the weepy eyes again and the old bullying story!

Eventually fired her, couldn't take anymore!
Well one thing that does annoy me, although I keep my own hours now, is that when you get up to go to your lunch or to leave for the day that people look at their watches and note the time you are going. Like, say in Ney001's post above, she left for lunch at 12:59..., I am glad to be away from that!

Although i do understand the 12:59 in the context you are saying it Ney001, but I am just talking about unappointed watchdogs in general!
That's another thing that gets to me; people who bring their personal problems into work. I don't care, we all have problems, just do your job.
I also can't stand people who are always ready to do the 'limelight' stuff, like making a presentation on the team's report or updating the boss on how things are coming along, but leave all the boring background work to everyone else.