animal insurance


Registered User
I have 0.75 acre to 1 acre at the back of my house.If I allow somebody who owns a horse to graze it to keep grass cut,will I be liable for insurance cover in the event of the horse having an accident.Has it any bearing whether the horse owner pays for the facility or gets it for free.?
If the horse manages to get free from your property and causes damage to someones elses property, I would have thought that you'd be liable unless the horse owner is responsible for putting up fences etc. to keep the animal contained. Haven't got a clue who you'd check with tho - sorry.
strictly speaking the animal OWNER is liable for any damage, but in the event of him/her not having insurance, then the property owner may be joined in and the case made against him/her on the grounds that fencing was not of proper standard.

Your House insurance may not cover you in this instance. it normally covers house and garden. If the land horse is on, is grazing then it is not garden and you may actually need extra cover. I assume FBD would be your best bet, especially if horse owner had his/her cover with them.